Who's Who

Diglis Basin © Michael Whitefoot
Board of Trustees

Federation Chairman Sue White and the Trustees are responsible for:
Furthering and coordinating the work of the WI in Worcestershire.
Looking for opportunities to enhance the WFWI’s reputation and increase membership.
Overseeing the work of the WFWI sub-committees to ensure a wide range of events is held for the benefit of members.
Running its affairs within the values and objectives of the NFWI and within Charity Law.
Organising the Annual WFWI meeting.
Ensuring the smooth running of all activities and the management of WFWI funds.
Advisers Committee

Advisers are trained within the WFWI to:
Support and guide WIs in Worcestershire whether new or long-standing.
Give advice and offer suggestions and resources to support the day to day running of our WIs.
Provide a range of training sessions and workshops for WIs, their Officers and committees.
Promote the WI in the wider community.
Be responsible for the setting up, enlarging and closing of WIs. ​​
Creative Activities

Advises and helps WIs on all aspects of creative activities including home economics, flowers, craft and art.
Organises at least one competitive event per year within the WFWI.
Arranges workshops, classes and outings on a wide range of creative activities for all abilities.
Monitors the standards of judging in any craft or produce show.
Co-ordinates the register of WI approved judges
Leisure and Arts

Provides a range of leisure activities and sporting events including outings, tournaments and sports taster sessions.
Encourages and develops all aspects of performing arts within WIs and the WFWI.
Arranges workshops, productions, festivals and events for members to enjoy and act, sing, perform and participate in.
Advises and helps WIs to start choirs, drama groups and literary interests.
Public Affairs

Advises, educates, organises and promotes awareness around matters that are important to WI members.
Follow up and works on national WI resolutions and NFWI mandates.
Liaises and co-operates with community organisations related to general welfare, agriculture and the environment.
Keeps WFWI members informed on relevant current and international affairs.
Organises the annual WFWI Lucy Hingley memorial lecture.
Increases awareness of science and technology through liaison with NFWI and WFWI groups.
Marketing & Development

The Marketing and Development sub-committee:
Supports the WFWI and WIs in the promotion of the WI throughout Worcestershire.
Encourages all WIs to develop marketing strategies, create individual websites and/or use social media to promote communication and marketing.
Increases awareness of and use of WFWI and NFWI training opportunities and resources.
Organises training days and workshops to increase knowledge and use of digital resources.